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Students Typing at Their Computers

International Computer Driving License (ICDL)

CDL courses are for anyone who wishes to become fully competent in the use of a computer and common applications. Computer skills enable people of all ages to understand and use technology to improve their personal and professional lives. These courses also provide a practical programme of up-to-date skills and knowledge areas which are validated by a test of their skills. 

een mere academic understanding to experiential comprehension.

Man Typing on a Laptop
On the Phone

Service Excellence

These courses under the Service Excellence Competency Framework (SV CF) provides a whole-of-company capability development roadmap for organisations, so companies can create and define their desired service experience. These courses also aim to professionalise service careers for individuals through a Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) pathway. test of their skills. 

een mere academic understanding to experiential comprehension.

Young Business Colleagues

Workplace Skills

While there are always job-specific skills that employers are looking for, most will also wish their employees to have essential skills such as communication, problem-solving, self-management and teamwork. Even for individuals who scored a job interview, chances are they will be asked about their essential skills capabilities as well.

No matter which industry one is working in, these courses can help individuals boost their essential skills, get a career and work their way to the top.

Work Space
Giving a Lecture

Leadership and

People Management

The changing global business landscape requires today’s accountants and finance professionals to constantly evolve and arm themselves with highly developed interpersonal behaviours and leadership qualities that will complement their technical competencies.

Discover how you can better equip and adapt yourself to meet the challenges of the future economy and position yourself to lead changes within the profession!

Business Brainstorming
Men with Calculator

Business Management

Financial Management

Successful candidates will be able to: Plan a project and understand project life cycle and roles within a project. Understand how to deliver a project against a project plan. Use relevant project management tools. Learn how to manage project risks and issues. Understand and apply finance-related governance and compliance to ensure effective budgetary control. Know how to deliver value for money. Understand how to set and monitor budgets and produce accurate financial updates.

Stairwell Handshake

Executive Development and Growth for Excellence

To keep up with the changing needs of a knowledge-based economy, the EDGE programmes are designed to equip professionals, managers and executives with analytical, interpersonal, personal management and workplace safety skills needed in a diverse workplace today.

Man in Suit



176 Orchard Rd, The Centrepoint, #05-05, Singapore 238843


(65) 6836 6466

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